The Alcove: personalized jewel

By definition, the alcove is a recess built into a wall for a particular purpose, including the location of a bed.

It also refers to the 17th century the bet of the room where some women of quality, the “Precious” held salon.

In this alcove, people chatted, exchanged news, reported some court gossip, sang and entertained each other.

It is the place of debates, beautiful words, literary flights.

The choice of this term to speak of personalized jewel is not trivial for me: to talk about his jewel, it is to tell oneself, to speak of one’s expectations, in the intimacy: to be free to reveal oneself entirely.

This exchange is reciprocal, that’s why I lent myself to the game of Proust’s questionnaire, so that I knew better and that trust is established.

To define your expectations exactly, a questionnaire will be sent to you and will allow me to understand your tastes, your wishes, your desires, your moods and to sketch your personality.

Then, together, we will create the sketch of your future jewel that will represent what you want to reveal or suggest to you.

I created an email address specially dedicated to this meeting in order to privilege our future exchanges.

You will be contacted as well as the questionnaire when we get to know each other.

See you soon!!


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L’acte même d’interpréter est un geste éthique autant qu’esthétique.

— David Boremboïm